Bronze Age Sites in Syria and the Levant

Site co-ordinates are provided in decimal latitude and longitude values. Click on a data source under the Satellite View column to see the site from above, or click the button in the Coordinates column to paste a location’s co-ordinates to your device’s clipboard. Sites with accompanying websites are now being added to the Web column.

The co-ordinates of sites listed with a ? are uncertain: either the reference is inexact or tentative, or the location’s attribution is unsafe. Please feel free to suggest updates and provide corrections.

Some of the major sites are shown on the map below.


Syrian Sites

SiteSatellite ViewCoordinatesWeb
Alalah/Alalakh (mod. Tell Atchana)
Amorite city founded MBA
Major site dating back to the EBA at least
City inhabited from the Neolithic and later a Hittite centre
Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh)
Imperial city founded in the Neolithic. Destroyed by the Hittites
Emar (mod. Tell Meskene)
Bronze Age trading center
Harran (anc. Carrhae)
Major center first inhabited in the Chalcolithic
Kadesh (mod. Tell Nebi Mend)
City dating back to the Chalcolithic
Mari (mod. Tell Hariri)
Semitic city state dating to the EBA
Qatna/Qatanum (mod. Tell al-Mishrifeh)
Semitic sity from the Late Chalcolithic
Terqa (mod. Tell Ashara)
City by the Euphrates variously under the control of many nearby states
Tuttul (mod. Tell Bi’a)
MBA town
Neolithic walled city destroyed at the end of the Bronze Age


Seal of TarkasnawaSeal of Tarkasnawa
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