The Age of Bronze, 3000-1050bC

Investigating the period between 3000BC and 1000BC, across the Aegean world and the Near East.

The Bronze Age Luwiuan Seal of Tarkasnawa, King of Mira, located in Analtolia
Tarkasnawa, King of Mira

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Bronze Age Regional Timelines

The key events experienced by the primary Aegean and Near Eastern cultures.

Aegean, Near Eastern and Mediterranean Bronze Age Sites

Map references for key Aegean and Near Eastern locations.

Bronze Age Chronologies

Compare scholars’ estimated chronologies of the Aegean Bronze Age.

The Kings of Hatti — the Hittite Empire

A Hittite regnal list, from Hattusili I to Suppiluliuma II.

A Bronze Age Bibliography

Recommended reading for students of the Bronze Age, whether academic or lay readers.

Articles and Essays

Coming soon

The Luwian Seal of Tarkasnawa, Last King of the Bronze Age Anatolian land of MiraThe Luwian Seal of Tarkasnawa, Last King of the Bronze Age Anatolian land of Mira
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Site Last Updated: 13 October 2024 @ 14:07:08 BST

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